Meet Deborah Joy

Homeopath | Journey Practioner

Deborah Joy’s Healing Journey


Having had a challenging start to life, Deborah has used and experienced various modalities of healing, using homeopathy, for 30 years. Her journey with homeopathy began when she became a mother. Seeking a natural approach to nurturing her children’s well-being, she turned to homeopathy after witnessing its remarkable effects on their ailments, from allergies and eczema to ear infections.

She solidified her decision to delve deeper into this healing art in one pivotal moment. When her child suffered an ear infection, the remedy that had worked for her older children proved ineffective. Seeking guidance from her homeopath, her child was prescribed a single dose of Chamomilla, a remedy known for its “one red cheek” keynote, which provided an astonishing transformation. Her child slept peacefully, regained appetite, and woke up fine the following day. She thought, “This is perfection,” and didn’t want to spoil it.

Deborah decided to study homeopathy and realized this was for a lifetime of discovery and learning. Homeopathy has helped her dissolve gallstones! She was hospitalized with an allergic reaction to ibuprofen caused by gallstone pain that was 10/10 agony. The hospital had to stabilize her with the allergic reaction, so surgery was out of the question. She was sent home as the hospital was crowded, which she thought was a blessing. She went home and gradually sorted herself out, drinking Swede juice for two days. She then saw a homeopath weekly for one month, then monthly for six months, and again eight months later when she passed the dissolved stones.

This was the beginning of a lifelong interest in health and well-being. Captivated by homeopathy’s profound impact, Deborah embarked on a lifelong journey of study and self-discovery. She began her healing journey, which continues to this day, and found herself drawn to Brandon Bays’ book “The Journey,” a transformative work that introduced her to a robust self-healing process. The synergistic combination of process work and homeopathy has become Deborah’s guiding principle, encouraging and supporting healing on all levels. Deborah enjoys yoga, nature, cooking, and spending time with family, who remain life’s best teachers!

Deborah Joy is a registered Homeopath with the New Zealand Council of Homeopaths.

Ready for a Consultation with Deborah Joy?


“Deborah is an excellent homeopath. She really knows her stuff and is my ‘go-to’ for any health concerns I have. I haven’t visited a Dr since working with Deborah.”

Ann Wade-French