Journey Work

Journey Work

What is it?

A Journey Process is a guided meditation in which the practitioner guides the client to connect with and explore their inner self. Together, you will both create a safe environment to access memories, and using NLP (neuro-linguistic programming) based techniques of detached observation, mirroring, and reframing, they can come to a place where forgiveness can occur. The practitioner first talks the client through the process, where the client has input and control, can ask questions, and feels empowered and supported.

The theory is that the cell holds memory so that when a trauma occurs, the cell is altered; it gets a layer of trauma attached to it. Then, it goes on to reproduce in the modified form. This is likely the basis of chronic disease. Connecting with memory can help release and heal it, allowing the cell to revert to its original state and reproduce healthily. The late Candace Pert, a neuroscientist, did much research on cell memory. 

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Our Pricing & Plans

Journey Work has a minimum time of 90 minutes to get a comprehensive experience.