Navigating Menopause: Finding Support with Homeopathy

Written by Deborah Joy

The homeopathic approach is to consider the person as a whole being. I want to know how YOU are impacted by your symptoms on all levels – mental/emotional, physical and beyond.

I will ask about your Womanhood history; menstruation; how old were you, what were your symptoms and how did they change over the years?

Have you used contraceptives – what forms and how did you experience that – side effects, again on all levels.

Pregnancies and births – your experiences from conception to birth to motherhood.

Anything and everything in between.

Common Symptoms & The Details

  • Hot flashes and night sweats – onset times, duration, intensity, mental/emotional picture,  what makes it better or worse? 
  • Irregular periods –  what is the pattern, duration and experience
  • Vaginal dryness – cyclic, always, what makes it better or worse?
  • Mood changes – cyclic, duration, intensity, what makes it better or worse, how is it impacting you and your life?
  • Sleep problems – history of sleep, cyclic? what makes it better or worse, how is it impacting you and your life?
  • Weight gain and slowed metabolism – any issues with weight, diet, exercise, cravings, tastes changing, food tolerance/intolerances
  • Thinning hair and dry skin – intensity, onset
  • Loss of breast fullness. 
  • Anything YOU are experiencing/concerned about/suffering with

The LIFE Impact – how is it for YOU?

How are you navigating Life while struggling with so many changes – parenting, working, being wife/partner – things you have been succeeding in for years and now all of a sudden so it seems things get tougher to cope with, maybe you feel like your body is letting you down, wearing out, breaking down.

Homeopathy can be incredibly useful in these circumstances. All these things; the symptoms, thoughts and emotions and more, that are experienced, help to guide us to a remedy or a series of remedies that are tailored to YOUR unique needs.


 THE REFRAME and a poem

Menopause is the next stage in the evolution of the woman that YOU are and can be a time of reflection, letting go – allowing the fire of the flash to burn off all that no longer serves the woman that you are  becoming, a ripening of your experience and knowledge; thereby an initiation into your wisdom-hood.

RIPENING WOMEN – a poem by Melissa Assilem

Grandmother, gammer, crone, beldam, hag and witch, We are older that Eve, we are old as the Mother, Cunning and cunting, spelling and telling. Spinning spirits, looming legends, weaving webs.

The vine roots on which we grow reach deep into the Mother Embracing the spirits of the dead and the living.  We ripen through the seasons, until wizened with wisdom We spread the potential of our seeds across the earth

Ripening women, our faces etched with knowing Creased with laugh lines, wrinkled with experience. Our beautiful bent limbs are shaping themselves like trees, We begin loving ourselves in our softening.

We witness life with our practiced eyes The newborn arrive into our awaiting hands. We brew our anger in our round-bellied cauldrons, ever growing, we re-pot ourselves as we expand.

Our knowledge is stored in the lumpy pouches of our bodies, and we are passionate to learn even more. We have known death and carried grief, streams of tears have carved rivers in our cheeks.

We no longer need to shed our blood for others. It is ours to keep, to warm us Through the autumn afternoon, to bring us passion, To help us spin spells for our untamed selves.

Our blood has the stored energy of the moon, her rhythms beat within us even stronger than before. Ripening women this is our time,

Time to be who we are meant to be.

Melissa Assilem


(the word “cunt” is an ancient word meaning a woman of wisdom, a cunning woman, perhaps derived from the Goddess Kunina)

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