Deborah Joy Homeopathy

Finding a Path to Wellness Together

Acute Homeopathy

Acute conditions, such as colds, influenza, injuries, and digestive upsets that have come on suddenly.

Full Homeopathic Consultations

In-depth individualized treatment aimed at the root cause of persistent, long-term health issues.

The Journey Process

A therapeutic technique that guides you to access and release suppressed emotions and memories stored within. 


A holistic approach to wellness

Homeopathy is a holistic system of medicine that aims to stimulate the body’s innate healing mechanisms. Rather than targeting specific symptoms, homeopathic remedies are carefully selected to match an individual’s unique physical, mental, and emotional characteristics. This personalized approach views the body as an interconnected whole, recognizing that imbalances in one area can manifest in various ways.

Homeopathic remedies are derived from natural substances and are highly diluted, making them safe and non-toxic for all ages, including infants and pregnant women. It promotes self-healing; homeopathic remedies are believed to trigger the body’s natural healing response by gently nudging the vital force or life energy in a positive direction.


Deborah Joy

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One profound experience solidified her commitment to homeopathy when a single dose provided an astonishing result for her child’s ear infection. Deborah then embarked on a lifelong journey of study, self-discovery, and combining homeopathy with journey work to facilitate healing on all levels.

Homeopath | Journey Practioner


“Deborah is an excellent homeopath. She really knows her stuff and is my ‘go-to’ for any health concerns I have. I haven’t visited a Dr since working with Deborah.”

Ann Wade-French

Health and Wellness Blog

Check it out!

Navigating Menopause: Finding Support with Homeopathy

Navigating Menopause: Finding Support with Homeopathy

The homeopathic approach is to consider the person as a whole being. I want to know how YOU are impacted by your symptoms on all levels – mental/emotional, physical and beyond. I will ask about your Womanhood history; menstruation; how old were you, what were your...

Navigating Menopause: Embracing the Change

Navigating Menopause: Embracing the Change

Menopause is a natural biological process that marks the end of our reproductive years as women. While it’s a natural part of life, it can feel anything but natural. It’s more like a rollercoaster of change; our bodies and beings transform in ways we might not have...